The main issues appear to be:
- A flyover at Towne Avenue
- The Station and how it impacts Garey
- Lack of response to city concerns by the Gold Line Authority
The issue at Garey is that the at grade crossing there is already causing a lot of gate closures and major delays for traffic on Garey. Adding another train every 10 minutes would increase the number of gate closings on this busy intersection.
The city would like to see all the tracks moved below grade and would like to see if something can't be done with the spur which services only 1 single warehouse.
The city has been pointing out these problems throughout the process and is upset that the Authority has pushed through the EIR with a Statement of Overriding Circumstances without addressing these negative impacts. The city is now considering whether or not they should pursue litigation under CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act).
An interesting topic. Too bad there were fewer than a dozen citizens in attendance, while there were at least half a dozen city staff there, including the Mayor, Councilperson Martin, and Councilperson Escobar. I'm sure that had there been more interest that we would have seen some interesting alternatives put forward. However, it's almost as if no one in the city cares.