Tuesday, November 17, 2009

was that a masonic boom I heard?

I know that most of our readers are devoted followers of D-Bomb Allen, but for the few who aren't, allow me to recommend Jennifer Cappuccio Maher's slideshow of Pomona's Masonic Temple (which is celebrating its centenary) associated with D-Bomb's column from last friday. I've loved that building since the moment I clapped eyes on it, and it's great to see pictures of the inside.

Both my grandfathers were Masons (well, one was a Shriner)... I wonder if they'd let me in on the grounds of family connection and admiration of their architecture?

Hey, John and other PoHer bigwigs: Can we get the Masonic Temple on the home tour?


John Clifford said...

Meg, it was on the tour a few years back and we've also held the Gala there as well as having other similar events. The Masons always seem to be happy to lead tours of all of the rooms, even when you're just renting the auditorium for a function.

It's a great location and I'm sure that you'll be able to get a tour.

Anonymous said...

We also held the "Pomona Night Fever" dance there a few years ago.
Never repeated due to low attendance but I got jiggy on the dance floor.

Pomona Joe said...

From David Allen's excellent article: "I was also shown a room with wooden lockers for members' use and a rack of costumes used in allegorical plays."
WTF? What kind of allegorical plays are these Masons staging?