In addition, the task force recommended the reformation of the defunct Pomona Public Library Foundation to work toward future fundraising for the library, and that organization is now meeting and settings goals, along with raising funds. From the task force, an Advocacy committee has been created to work on the voter approval of Measure X, the parcel tax for the library and has created and distributed those green lawn signs you see all over town and are conducting phone banks and precinct walking campaigns for the measure.
Unfortunately, most of the work of the task force has taken place during the day when many people couldn't attend meetings. This week's meeting will be held at a more "worker friendly" hour to try and bring those of you who are interested up to date with what's happening.
The Agenda for Monday's meeting is:
October 8, 2012
6 pm Library-Special Collections
1. Foundation Update
2. Friends of the Library Update
3. Website Update
4. Media Update
5. Future meeting
dates and times
6. Advocacy Update
7. Elvis Party Fundraiser Update
For more information on the task force and Save Our Pomona Public Library, please visit our web site at:
For more information on the task force and Save Our Pomona Public Library, please visit our web site at:
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