Well it's the eve of All Hallows (Halloween) and Lincoln Park is girding for the annual onslaught of monsters, princesses, and other assorted revelers. The decorations are up and the candy has been collected. (clicking on images will give you a larger, easier to read version).
Jefferson St. will be closed off to traffic in the Lincoln Park area to ensure a safe place for the youngsters without the normal traffic hazards. If the past is any indication, we'll expect about 2-3,000 candy-beggars out there with a lot of spill over on both Lincoln and Columbia.
Oct. 31
After the kiddies have collected their booty, you can head on over to Spadra Cemetery for a spooky historical tour of the site. Vandals in years past have tried to diminish the site, but the ghosts of our forebears are still there for us to visit.
Nov. 1
The next day, November 1 is Dia de los Muertes or the Mexican "Day of the Dead" festival. There will be activities at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Lincoln Park (on Alvarado) including displays of Day of the Dead altars and a special display of early Misoamerican documents.
Also on Nov. 1, Duane Smith will be making a presentation of the Ancient Library at Alexandria. At the Library from 2:00 - 3:00 pm.
Nov. 4
Election Day. If you haven't done so, be sure to get out and VOTE. Of course, I want you to consider voting YES on PPL, but regardless, be sure to VOTE.
Nov. 6
Together We Read will be holding a Bowlathon at Bowlium in Montclair. The price includes dinner and bowling. A real bargain. The tie-in with the book all Pomonan's are asked to read is that two of the main characters are Mexican bowling champions.
Nov. 8
And don't forget the Chalk Art Festival in downtown at Thomas Plaza on November 8 at 3:00 pm.
Together We Read, Halloween, there's always something happening in Pomona.