I'm turning this into a separate topic because I am flat-out appalled. Those who've met me know that I'm hardly a paragon of propriety, but then again, I'm not the mayor. (I wanted to write that last clause in all-caps with a thousand exclamation points, but I managed to control myself.)
What disgusts me here isn't just the poor impulse control; again, I'm not one to talk. But the fact that the mayor feels so confident in his status that he can just flip off a citizen with a camera -- now that speaks volumes. That suggests a man who doesn't care what the voters think, because the photographer was Ren, for pete's sake -- the Weegee, Bill Cunningham, and Ansel Adams of Pomona, the man whose photos always get seen by the community.
I can't help but interpret the mayor's insulting gesture as an indication that he thinks his re-election is in the bag. Let's show him he's wrong.
Vote NO on Moochie, I even went to his office they said he was out. So I told them to tell him Ren was here, after all one day he came by my house. So I thought I would do the same.Oh yea that was me that posted the Moochie finger.
What The heck!! Is this real or photoshopped? No politician in the right mind would ever do this, especially during election time. The comments on the article make our city look SO bad. I can't believe what I'm seeing!!!
Belive it
Our illustrious leader doing what he does best-showing us his attitude of what he thinks of Pomona and people in general-someone to be used and abused if they get in his way. Unless we all stand up for one decent candidate, and not split up the vote like Pomona likes to do, we are stuck with this buffoon!
We need to rally as ONE COMMUNITY and back ONE write-in candidate against Moochie Rothman !!!!!
Or we GET the govenment we DESERVE.
Let's pick ONE!
I suggest Paula Lantz, who has really stepped up re: the library issue !
Why don't we find out who else may actually be running for major? It will greatly improve the chances of removing Moochie if we don't go the write-in route. There is still time for candidates to register. Anyone know who else is running or can be convinced to be added to the ballot?
Anon July 18
There is no need for a write in campaign. We have until Aug. 10 to convince someone to run. Write in's almost never work, especially when there's still lots of time to get on the ballot.
I too applaud Paula Lantz for working hard to save the library, BUT (and this is a big but) she also voted for the trash station. Sorry, I can't vote for someone who did that. More importantly, it's unrealistic to think that a grass roots movement will spring up behind any candidate involved in voting for the trash station. How would such a candidate be considered change? There has to be someone else who can run for mayor, or it's not going to happen.
Which is a shame since the evidence shows that a trash station would not cause a major impact to the community. And Lantz voted for the First Street station too so she is intellectually consistent.
I'm not very familiar with how the city handles elections but will Lantz have to forfeit her campaign for D4 re election if she were to run for mayor? She may be too important a voice in the council to risk losing her altogether.
Not a statement against Soto, but we lost Hunter's voice when he split votes with other candidates against the current mayor.
What would it take to assemble a council that fires the city manager as a symbol of good faith and a new direction the way they all got together and fired Romero?
Yes, Paula Lantz would have to make a decision to not return to her council seat if she were to run for Mayor. One of the reasons that the charter amendment we'll be voting on moves the mayor's election to an odd numbered year when NO council elections are taking place.
We should know something by the first of next week-Aug.1 at the latest, how the mayors race shapes up. There will be a candidate or two with cred that will run, I believe. Lets hope Arturo stays out, and making the Trash Station the qualifier is just stupidity on either side. Keeping the Mooch will guarantee us another 4 years of wallowing in the muck that he brings, and keep Pomona the laughing stock of the valley.
If we pass the Charter Amendment (which I support), the next mayoral election will be in 5 years, not 4. While one might not like the decision of the voters on the next mayor, I still want to see the mayor's election moved to a year when there are no council elections, which is one of the things the charter amendment will do.
So this is an important year as the winner of the mayor election COULD be there for 5 years.
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