Sunday, January 18, 2009

Not that Pomona needs another blog, but...

Calling all Neighborhood Watch comrades!

In hopes of spurring some cross-neighborhood collaboration and information sharing, I've set up yet another Pomona-focused blog:

I look forward to posting information about the Garfield Park area. If you're involved in a Pomona Neighborhood Watch group -- or have even once whipped out a pair of binoculars to check out shady activity across the way -- and would be willing to post every now and again about the concerns, strategies, and community building efforts of your area, please shoot me an e-mail.


Ed said...

Finally, someone makes a neighborhood watch crime blog. How awesome is that!.......... Well, I think it's cool. :-)

Pride in Garfield Park said...

Ed, I thought you might like more places to post about crime ;)

Pomona Joe said...

Well done, you.