Friday, February 19, 2010

Curley's Key Shop to the Rescue

Pride in Garfield Park is having internet troubles, so I'm posting this heartwarming story of Pomona Triumphant in her behalf.

A friend asked recently for a recommendation of a "key guy." We suggested Curley's Key Shop at 306 E Monterey Ave, here in P-town. The friend dropped me an e-mail this evening to rave about her very positive experience at Curley's. To summarize the review, she said, "Your key guy rocks!"

I asked her to describe the nature of her need; here's what she said:

We bought a used car. It came with key and the automagic-door-unlocky-thingy.

The key worked in the ignition but none of the doors. The
unlocky-thingy worked on the doors (which is why I didn't notice the
problem with the key until we got home).

A Claremont vendor hemmed and hawed and gave me a hard time for buying a used car. Said it probably went to a chop shop and gave me lots of horror stories about other things that might be wrong with the car.

Curley's took the door apart, made a new key and it worked. Then they
made more keys!

Plus they were pleasant and didn't try to make me feel like an idiot.

I heart Curley's. I heart Pomona.

So there you have it. Another vote of confidence for Curley's Key Shop.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, now when I get a hot car I know where to take it to get keys since Curley has a "don't ask don't tell" policy!

John Clifford said...

I have to say that I totally agree, Curly's ROCKS! I've had a number of keys made there but was most impressed when I had a problem with my daughter's car keys not unlocking all the doors (we bought if from the original owner who was someone we knew--no HOT car here).

Not only did they check the key, they lubricated all the locks and made me new keys. All for the price of the keys (I think about $2 each).

FYI, they are at the corner of Palomares and Monterey, just south of the railroad tracks.

Pride in Garfield Park said...

Yay! My browser seems to be working again :)