Anyone out there have insight into how to access the city of Pomona's website? Did the city forget to pay its bill or have we reached the point that the city's checks are starting to bounce?
It's probably a transient problem and will be working perfectly before I receive any replies, but it's been down for about 8 hours today.
Thanks in advance.
Uh, try for at least 2 weeks (as far as I know). No access at all. Rumor has it that it was due to the upcoming council meeting of last Monday the 5th. Since the meeting was postponed til the 19th, it looks like we've got another week of downtime.
But that's just a rumor of course.
And yes, it was down before the weekend prior to that April 5th meeting to confirm.
Thanks. I guess I haven't been walking that direction with my fingers lately.
Anyone call the city about it? And what was their response?
I've been trying far a while too. I was thinking of putting in an app to review the cities bylaws etc...
I've been trying for a while too. I was thinking of putting in an app to review the cities bylaws etc...
Actually, the official explanation is that the city is switching services to a new provider. At least that's the way two Council members explained it to me. Seems it takes a while to accomplush this task
oops.That should be accomp "lish",
not "lush".hmm
However, the laserfiche site which hosts the minutes and council agendas, as well as city codes (charter) and commissions IS still up and working. Just went through the annotated agenda from the last meeting and will have more to say on that a little later.
That site is: http://public-records.ci.pomona.ca.us/weblink7/Browse.aspx
And the argument that they're changing ISPs is bogus. Even if the first one was shut down it shouldn't take more than a day to move the data and another to change the DNS. EVEN if they didn't get the data moved, a DNS change never takes more than 24 hours (I've never had it take more than 12, and usually 4-5) and you'd at least have a "under construction" page to let users know what's going on.
From the IT Department Director:
April 5, 2010 - "The City’s website is down. Planetwide HD (the web host vendor) had servers go down and is currently working repairing the problem. I will inform you when the problem is resolved."
April 8, 2010 - "Our website has been down all week. We are attempting to obtain access to the files on the servers at VPI.net (PlanetWideHD) to be able to it to move it a different hosting company. “PowWeb” the new hosting company is ranked within the top 10 nationwide companies. The IT Department is working to provide a web presence by next week to meet the City obligations (RFP, Noticing, etc.)."
April 14, 2010 - "The City’s website is now operating in a limited capacity.
The City network is 90% and is still being rebuilt. All of the “Featured Links” (RFP, Public Doc’s., On-Line PD Reporting, Explore Pomona, etc) and most menu selection are working. Remaining pictures and data has been sent from VPI via mail and will be added on-going.
Outside the City network (the Internet): The City website is available using http://jdepolis.powweb.com for the public that need immediate access. The Internet will take a few days to propagate the new “PowWeb” IP so that it will be accessible via the normal address ( http://ci.pomona.ca.us ). The menu on the right does not work, however all of the icons on “Featured Links” seem to be functioning normally.
We have moved the hosting site from VPI.net to PowWeb, for increased reliability and redundancy, and will continue our development to improve, and add to the City web site’s functionality."
Despite it's couple of flaws and the occasional stumble, I love living in Pomona.
Perhaps this will be a new and improved website!
Man, y'all are cynical!
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