As threatened, I made it down to the mixer at the Cal Poly Downtown Center. I mostly gossiped with the few people I knew there, although I did get a chance to say hello to Paula Lantz. I was thirsty and the refreshments were blocked by a wall of suits, so I wandered down the block to dba256 just in time to miss all the speechifying (which didn't start till at least 6:30).
Pride in Garfield Park apparently arrived just as I was leaving, so she heard all the palaver. There was no formal protest about Chief Romero's firing, but PiGP reports that one brave soul did shout out from the crowd, "What about Chief Romero?"
When I walked into dba256, it was dead empty, which was a welcome change -- the last few times I've been there, it has been completely bumping. So it was nice to have a chance to chat with Ron (owner and impresario) and not to have to be patient about getting my wee dram. Shortly after I arrived, one of my neighbors walked in, and then PiGP, and then John & Deb Clifford (and I leave it to John to report about the Planning Commission meeting), and then Pomona Joe, and then Calwatch. Yes, it was old home week.
There was much nattering about various theories and conjectures, which I won't repeat for fear of spreading false information, but you can gather the tenor of our discussion by checking out Calwatch's lengthy comment on the "Chief Romero FIRED!" post below.
All in all a fun evening -- we should have another one soon.
Darn, I miss all the fun! The "PiGP" reference had me lost for a bit, but I finally caught on.
I kinda like the moniker "pig pee" ;) I enjoyed meeting everyone!
@Pride in Garfield Park: I thought about abbreviating it "PGP," but that sounds like a street drug (to say nothing of actually being an encryption algorithm).
There are good people who attend these MIXERS but for me there just another DOG AND PONY SHOW like I said there are good people out there looking out for Pomona its those people I say keep up the good work and keep doing what your doing your blog is doing a fine job so keep up the good work.
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